Role of Nanotechnology in Pharmacology

Nanotechnology overcomes many challenges in the field of pharmacology. The Nano-sized materials are designed and fabricated to carry the drugs to the targeted region and further released drug concentration will be more in the target location. Nano-particles are used for both treatment and diagnosis. Many nanomaterials are patented and used for analysis, detection and treatment of the diseases.

Nanotechnology devises application is used in the field of medicine and leads to the development of various Nanomedicines; used in the diagnosis and treatment of various disease. The Nanomedicine leads to the better path in the human life.Diagnostic Nanomachines could be employed to monitor the internal chemistry of the body. Mobile nanoparticles are used to circulate in blood and lymph nodes to find out abnormalities and signal will be passed by them.
Nanomaterials are implanted in the human body whoever has a chronic deficiency to induce the drug release and also helps in secreting hormones. The Nanorobots plays a major role in surgery and mainly called miniature surgeons. The application of nanotechnology creates the revolution in the field.

Pharmaceutical nanotechnology offers new tools, opportunities and scope, which are expected to have a great impact on many areas in disease diagnostics and therapeutics. Pharmaceutical nanotechnology is now well-established as the specialized area for drug delivery, diagnostics, prognostic and treatment of diseases through its Nano-engineered tools. Pharmaceutical nanotechnology provides opportunities to improve materials, medical devices and help to develop new technologies where existing and more conventional technologies may be reaching their limits. In short, a recent development, the market realization of various pharmaceutical nano-tools and global interest shown by scientists, governments and industries ensure that there are tremendous potential and scope of nano-based drug delivery system in near future. 


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