Food and Nutritional Toxicology

Toxicology deals with the chemicals which show adverse effects on living things. Toxicology is an interdisciplinary course of various branches.
The further the toxicology has been classified as:: Clinical Toxicology, Forensic toxicology, ecotoxicology, Occupational Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology and Food Toxicology.

The major biological factor influence toxicity is Adsorption, Distribution, Storage and Excretion.
The factor adsorption is influenced by Type of Membrane, adsorption rate in the alimentary canal. Same as adsorption; Distribution is influenced by the volume of distribution. The storage means accumulation of a toxic substance, when it crosses the intermediate dose rate it leads to adverse effects in the organism. In Excretion, elimination of Toxic substance occurs through various routes urine, faeces, and exhaled air.
Here toxicants present in food are detected through quantitate and qualitative analysis.

Nutrient Deficiencies, Toxicities, and Other Nutrient Imbalances::
The main reason for nutrient deficiency and Toxicity is due to making modifications in the plant foods by application of genetic engineering. Sometimes the modification will lead to nutrition deficiency or toxin production rarely other imbalances occur. The enhancement or deletion of food nutrients leads to nutrition deficiency or toxicity.
Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities::: The diagnoses of specific nutrient states in individuals often are challenging, such diagnoses are relatively straightforward compared with the estimation of minimum intake levels that are required to prevent a deficiency state in an individual. Thus, the amount of a nutrient recommended to individuals to avoid deficiency is set at sufficiently high levels to minimize individual risk (to < 3 %), that is, the Recommended Dietary Allowance, “the average daily nutrient intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 to 98%) healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group”.

Expanding Definitions of Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities: The current awareness of the link between food and health reflects both relatively detailed understanding of relationships between a nutrient and a designated function or disease risk (e.g., enhanced immune function and cardiovascular disease, respectively), and less-specific associations among diet and other disease risks (e.g., cancer). These links significantly expand traditional concepts of nutrient deficiencies and toxicities.


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