Overdose Risk Factors in Youth

Very little research exists on risk factors associated with overdose in young people presenting for substance use disorder treatment. In addition to screening for substance-specific risk factors, it is important that providers systematically screen young patients for overdose histories and for psychiatric factors that may increase overdose risk.

Most studies of overdose risk among individuals with substance use disorders have focused on adults, and the few that specifically studied youngpeople only assessed substance-related risk factors and not psychiatric symptoms. Since substance use patterns are known to differ between youth and adults, and since brain regions important to decision making do not fully mature until the 20s, it is important to investigate whether risk factors differ between the two age groups.

The research team conducted a retrospective analysis of deidentified data from intake assessments conducted at Addiction Recovery Management Service from January 2012 through June 2013. These comprehensive assessments include details of both substance use and psychiatric histories and are conducted by social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists with additional training in addiction medicine.

It's going to be helpful to assess overdose risk among young people with substance use disorders over a longer period of time and to examine whether treatment mitigates the risk for subsequent overdose


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